Sowbhagya Illam

Building hope and shaping future for the generations to come

Sowbhagya Illam was a beloved unit of our founder Soundaram, who wanted to provide a home for children who were deprived of a normal family life and provide them with the same affection they would have received in their home   It was started in 1947 by Soundram and Ramachandran. Since then, we have been working to ensure their vision of empowering vulnerable children, caring for them, protecting them by creating an atmosphere in the home that can restore a sense of normalcy in their lives. So far, the home has been responsible for rehabilitating and socially integrating over 1536 children into society. 181 boys and girls aged 1 – 17 are staying in the home presently.  It is also our mission to ensure that the child’s rights are protected. 

Providing them with love, shelter and motivation to be self-reliant, we feel, is a step towards giving children the opportunity to reach their potential. 


For the total Development of children – Weekend programme.

  • Skill Development Programme – Thalir thiran Thittam,Anantha mela
  • Awareness / Outing programme
  • Motivation workshops
  • Academic and Psychological Counselling
  • Art and Craft workshop
  • Computer literacy programme
  • Bharatha Natiyam
  • Carnatic Music
  • Keyboard classes
  • Tailoring
  • Screen Printing
  • Yoga
  • Door mat weaving
Sowbhagya Illam

Creating home and hope for

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Academic results
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Lives impacted
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